cover artwork


CHRLI (Artist)


Illustrator, Cover Artist

Using 5 adjectives how would you describe the vibe/theme of the song?
existential, spiritual, alluring, enticing, curiosity, content, scepticism, suspicious, perception, hypnotic.

What emotion do you want the song to convey?

  • unsurity, uncertainty, that weird gut feeling that tells you that something isn't quite right.

  •  the juxtaposing beat/instrumental to lyrics (production having a groove to almost distract the listener from what the lyrics are saying

  • a strong storyline for those that do listen to the lyrics, to understand lmao.

  • anxiety

What is the central theme/story behind the song?
the song is based on the concept of lucid dreaming. the singer (being me in this sense) is talking of a dream being almost too perfect to be true. the 'people' (or entities perhaps) are trying to convince her to stay in the dream when the persona isn't fully convinced it's the best idea. this 'dream' is set up to trap her and keep her in this dream state; where the 'entities' want her to 'take [their] hand, they don't understand you, no point in being human, just stay here'. the persona is having a tough reality atmo and is tryna weigh out the options for living in her reality of stay in her dream.



